Saturday, April 26, 2008 - KNOW ABOUT THE EXPERT AS WELL - VIDEO Robert Pino , Personal Transformation And Stress Relief

Name: Robert Pino
Job: Director, Robert Pino Center for Growth
Summary: Robert Pino is a consultant, coach, counselor, and author with over two decades of providing guidance for growth to businesses and individuals. His role is that of a Life Alchemist™: a mentor who can help “melt down the lead and reveal the gold” in our lives. In 1998, he established the Robert Pino Center For Growth as a center for business and life strategies. Mr. Pino is also the author of "Corporate Aikido" and "Absolute Victory".

VideoJug: Personal Transformation And Stress Relief

VideoJug: Robert Pino

[ TEXT ]

Personal Transformation And Stress Relief
How can I de-stress instantly?

If we are stressful, we are stressful up here and you lose your stability; you strain your muscles, you cannot think, you're kind of panicky. Your breath is shallow. Now if you just imagine, and just focus for a moment, that you can put your brain down, say two inches below your naval in your tummy and keep it there just by attention, you cannot think about stressful situations. Simultaneously your breath starts to lower and go even deeper and deeper still. So that if we cannot be panicky anymore; you cannot even think about stressful things or people that give you stress.
What is the secret to relaxing during stressful times?

The way to de-stress when you're panicky or you stack one activity on top of another activity, another activity, another activity, is to say to yourself, “Ok. Stop it! Stop it!” Then, talk to yourself in a more proactive, slow way. Like, "hmmm." Make that sound to decompress, because many people talk to themselves in a way that makes them stressful. That's the internal dialogue that you have in your head; the internal little voice that keeps on giving you all kinds of commands that you have to do stuff, which is not entirely true. You can just ‘be' for a moment. Once you create that stop, then you can listen to yourself in a different way. You relax your voice. You speak slower, and therefore you disrupt the panicky thought patterns that you have in your head.
What is a "trance"?

We are continuously in altered states and we are continuously into a trance. Let me give you some examples. Have you ever driven your car and you're standing in front of a green light and somebody honks? You were in a trance. Have you ever been in an elevator and went out on the wrong floor and said, “Oh my god, it's not my floor, I need to get back into the elevator”? You have been in a trance. Have you ever been checking your emails in the morning because you had fifteen minutes spare time so you could easily check them before you go to work, when all of a sudden you realize you have lost forty-five minutes? You have been in a trance.
How can I put myself into a light relaxation trance?

If you would like to decompress, or de-stress yourself, there is a very easy technique to put yourself into a kind of hypnotic state or a trance state - a light relaxation trance. You start off with noticing what is around you, and say that, in your own mind, for instance, you're sitting in your chair, watching this video, and hearing me talk. While you do that, you found yourself that your breath has already got deeper. Interesting thing is that I use three elements that are in your immediate environment which tells the brain yes, yes, yes. You're sitting in the chair, watching the video, and hearing my voice. That's a yes, that's a yes, and that's a yes. And notice that your breath has gone deeper, deeper still. That's a yes, too, because the brain says three yes's. Once the brain says the fourth yes, and your breath is actually lower, because you were focussing on those three things, you start to unwind. Now, when you do that, you pick instead of three outside elements that are true, two outside elements. For instance, you're writing down, and sitting in the chair, and you feel your back against the chair, while you are even more and more concentrated on feeling really, really mellow. That's a yes, yes, and inward concentration again. So it's outside concentration, inward concentration, outside concentration, inward concentration. Before you know it, you have been in a trance, albeit a light relaxation trance.
How does a deep relaxation trance work?

Robert: I haven't been properly introduced to you. So, my name is Robert. Just look into your hand, the palm of your hand, and just see while I bring your hand toward your face that your eyes are defocusing when you really focus on the palm of your hand. As soon as your hand touches the forehead, I want you to really, really relax and drop into this deep, deep sleep. That's right. All the way down. Jeff, when you go into a trance, even more so than you have been already, just notice that your breath has already become deeper, deeper still. Now, three, two, one. Now, how was that? Jeff: I'm sweating. Robert: You're sweating a little bit, but it's cool, isn't it? What I actually did with Jeff is that, when he got in there, first of all he had the intention to go into a state of relaxation. He was willing to undergo this experience because it was good for him. That's why he put out the intent, “I would like to go into a deep trance and feel good.” That's the start, first of all. Secondly, I disrupted him; I basically broke his state by giving him a hand and did a handshake interrupt, which is done by Richard Bandler in most cases. When he was focusing on the palm of his hand, inside of his hand, I brought his hand towards his face. His eyes started to defocus, and he was so occupied with his hand, with a particular spot, that I could override his conscious mind and ask him to go into the really relaxed state. Immediately his breath was deeper and slower. That makes you already more comfortable. When you're comfortable, the mind gets easier access to certain moments in your life that you feel good about or that you would like to remember. You have everything inside your mind. You have everything inside your body. So, by going into the relaxed state, you can tap into those moments.

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