Wednesday, May 21, 2008 - How To Lose Weight Using Self Hypnosis Chapter 1

How To Lose Weight Using Self Hypnosis Chapter 1


How To Lose Weight Using Self Hypnosis Chapter 1

Research proves that people who use hypnosis, lose 2 to 16.5 times more weight than those who don't. This free video series shows you how to use hypnosis to suppress your appetite. It's entertaining and educational. Visit to see the whole series.

Step 1:
The amazing power of Hypnosis allows you in unleashing the awesome power of your unconcious mind. Information and usage of hyponsis tools will help you in bringing rapid changes to your mind and lifestyle.Apart from this, these hypnosis techniques can be used to bring down your weight drastically as well. Researchers at the New England Medical center has proved that all the popular diets such as ones with low carbohydrates, glysimic index, fat and calories work when you stick to them but they have also proven that only a few people can stick to these kind of diets because of there appetite.
Step 2:
Appetite and Hunger
The webster dictionary defines the word appetite as the desire for gratification of somewhat craving or passion. If your appetite is out of control then you eat diets that satisfies it which is the major cause of putting weight.
Appetite is not hunger. Hunger is defined as the bodies call for nourishment. In otherwords when the body needs food for fuel then you feel hungry. This proves that most of the people who are fat don't feel hungry as lot of fuel is stored in the body in the form of fat. However you have feelings that intreprets as hunger and the stomach contracting in the expectation of being feed causes those feelings.
Step 3:
Programming Your Stomach
So a question will raise in your mind related to why the stomach expects to be fed? The answer is simple, if you eat lunch at noon everyday you will program your stomach to be expect to feed at noon and it will automatically contract at that time in order to grind up and digest the food that it is expecting.
The problem arises when you are changing your meal times if you are then you are programming your stomach to contract at many different times so you have feelings interpretting as hunger throughout the entire day.
Step 4:
Pleasure In Appetite
Appetite is drinking and eating for relaxation or pleasure.This is the way our stomach will get programmed when you are an infant and you got tired and upset your mother will put a bottle or passifier in your mouth to distract you from that upset.In this way you will get distracted, feel relaxed and often go to sleep.Since this thing is repeated for hundreds of times your mind will get programmed that when something goes into your mouth you feel relaxed and pleasure from it.
Step 5:
The Effect Of Anxiety
There are certain scenarios where feeling tense and anxious is the result of appetite as you craving for peace and relaxation.You are compelled to eat something to satisfy that need.When you were an There are certain scenarios where feeling tense and anxious is the result of appetite as you craving for peace and relaxation.You are compelled to eat something to satisfy that need.When you were an young child your parents would have insisted you to clean of your dinner or meals plate because the children in china are starving or it may be some other country.
Then you get a big reward of eating anything you like.Your body is similiar to computer programs as it gets programmed to do somethings when you are doing those things repeatedly.Every activity in human life revolves around eating from family get together,dating and having a small snack after the movie.
Step 6:
Mental Exercises
Different types of emotions such as tired,bored,tension and pleasure makes you feel hungry,so that you acquire temporary relaxation and pleasure.The best exercise to do is to motivate yourself and visualize or imagine the body you want to have.Do this mental exercise three times a day when you are sleeping or relaxing.This will do wonders for you.

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